

What I can perhaps consider as the craft I was able to master the best so far in my life, is being a Barista.

Luckily, being a Barista entails attention to details, trying and understand the people around you and never miss a chance to have a laugh.

That is maybe why the two fields I mostly work in are the so call “social design” and the “events production”. I like to be receptive, attentive, and listen as well as put together a team, manage it and try to lead by example when necessary.

I have a tendency to find ways to make things happen so everybody is happy enough.

In the past I have been many things from business owner to doorman, from mortgage broker to pizza maker.

I have dual citizenship, Italian and Australian, and now I live in the Netherlands.

Enough info for now,


P.S. I have a Bachelor in Art & Design from Design Academy Eindhoven.


website by Xander Maclaren